
    Executive board

    EDUCA Executive board consists of leadership team including director (PI) and three vice directors (co-PI). The PI is responsible for the project operations and leads the consortium in close collaboration with the co-PIs. The Executive board is responsible for strategy, work programs, modifications of the action plan and assessments of progress reports, and it monitors completion of project tasks.

    Administration and communication

    Iira Hartikainen

    Communications and Interaction Specialist

    University of Jyväskylä

    Anna Roikonen


    University of Jyväskylä

    Milla Saajanaho

    EDUCA Doctoral Education Coordinator

    University of Jyväskylä

    Scientific board

    The Scientific Board includes the EDUCA Executive Board, the Research Area Management Teams and the Chair of the Post Doc Collegium.

    Advisory board

    The EDUCA Advisory Board is led by Jari Ojala, Rector of the University of Jyväskylä. The group includes representatives from all consortium universities. In addition, members of the advisory board include representatives of key stakeholders.

    Post Doc Collegium