
EDUCA Flagship Kick Off 25.4.2024

Learning outcomes are on the decline, school absences are increasing and technologies are transforming education. Come find out how the Future of Education EDUCA flagship is tackling these challenges.

The recording of the EDUCA Kick Off can be found here: EDUCA Kick Off 25.4.2024

The language of the event is Finnish, but the presentation material is in English.


Welcome Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, EDUCA Flagship Director, Professor, JYU

Opening remarks Henrik Kunttu, Vice Rector, JYU

Large-Scale Research-based Development of Finnish Education System with Learning Analytics & AI: Towards Nationwide EDUCA-Teaching and Learning EDUCA-Ecosystem, Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso, UTU

Future and development of basic education Pia Kola-Torvinen, opetusneuvos (Finnish honorary title), Finnish National Agency for Education

Presentation of the EDUCA research areas

  • Impact assessments of education reforms and interventions, Professor Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto University
  • Learning interaction and learning support, Professor Eija Pakarinen, JYU, and Professor Niina Junttila, UTU
  • Technology in learning and teaching: towards scalable, adaptive and pedagogically high-quality solutions for the school of the future, Professor Päivi Häkkinen, JYU, Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso, UTU, and Associate Professor Piia Näykki, JYU
  • Teachers, principals and leaders as builders of learning communities, Professor Anna-Maija Poikkeus, JYU, Professor Jari Lavonen, UH and Professor Mirja Tarnanen, JYU

Multi-faceted and multi-locational education and training policy-making Taina Saarinen, Director of Finnish Institute for Educational Research

Closing words Matti Sarvimäki, Vice Director of the EDUCA Flagship, Professor, Aalto University