
EDUCA workshop Consortium meeting 12.-13.9.2024 University of Helsinki

The EDUCA flagship organises its first Consortium Meeting at the University of Helsinki in September. All EDUCA network members (EDUCA Flagship researchers, EDUCA related post docs and doctoral researchers and representatives of the stakeholders) have been invited to the event.


Thursday 12.9.2024 


Target group:  

  • EDUCA Flagship researchers, EDUCA related post docs and doctoral researchers and representatives of the stakeholders  


  • Establishing EDUCA identity
  • Common understanding of the aims of EDUCA and the research areas 
  • Photography 


During the seminar day, photographs will be taken for EDUCA communication purposes. Please inform the photographer if you do not want to be photographed. 


Minerva Plaza (Siltavuorenpenger 5A, Helsinki) 

9.30 Coffee and registration

10.00 Welcome to EDUCA Consortium Meeting!  

Chair of the day: Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä, EDUCA PI; Academy Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki, EDUCA coPI; Professor Jari Lavonen, University of Helsinki

10.05 Opening words: Professor Auli Toom, University of Helsinki, Vice Dean (remotely)

10.25 Short presentations of EDUCA research areas, objectives, and contents 

What is EDUCA Flagship? Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, JYU, EDUCA PI 

  • Research Area 1: Assessing the impacts of educational policy reforms and interventions, Professor Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto University, EDUCA coPI  

  • Research Area 2: Learning variability, interaction, and support in learning contexts, Senior Researcher Katja Upadyaya, UH 

  • Research Area 3: Scalable digital technologies in learning and the school of the future, Professor Päivi Häkkinen, JYU  

  • Research Area 4: Fostering competences of teachers and educational leaders in learning communities, Professor Anna-Maija Poikkeus, JYU and Professor Jari Lavonen, UH  

  • Policy: Overarching theme – Multi-level and multi-sited educational policy making, Taina Saarinen, Research professor, Finnish Institute for Educational Research 

11.15 Lunch (own expense), for example at UniCafe Olivia (Siltavuorenpenger 5A 1. floor), Espresso Edge, Liisankatu 29 , Hav a Java, Unioninkatu 43 , Papu Cafe, Mariankatu 24, The Viet Balo, Liisankatu 9 , Zen sushi, Snellmaninkatu 16  

12.15 Photo session for the research area groups (RA1-RA4, policy) 


12.45 Group photo of all participants of the EDUCA Consortium Meeting at Minerva Plaza 


13.00 Keynote: Learning Variability: Key Lessons from a Program of Research Across Time, Students, and Contexts 

Professor Andrew J. Martin, School of Education, University of New South Wales, Australia

Chair: Academy Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki, EDUCA coPI 

14.00    Coffee 

14.15 Get together according to research areas (RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4, and Policy group), rooms: 

RA1: K227 

RA2: K222b & K222c 

RA3: K228 

RA4 and Policy: Minerva Plaza 


Minerva Plaza  

15.55    Closing words  

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Culture Anita Lehikoinen 

Chair: Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä, EDUCA PI 


16.15 The official program ends

16.30 Early Career Researchers’ orientation to the evening event  

Sanni Pöysä (JYU), Elisa Vilhunen (HY), Jaanet Salminen (UTU) and Maria Sauval (Aalto University) 


Evening: Early Career Researcher (ECR) “get together” evening event (own cost), more information will be sent to those who chose this on the registration form 


Friday 13.9.2024 

Early Career Research Day: Post docs, doctoral researchers and their supervisors 

Target group:  

  • EDUCA Flagship researchers and post docs 

  • Doctoral researchers from EDUCA research areas and from the EDUCA-Doc Doctoral Education Pilot  

  • Supervisors of the EDUCA and EDUCA-Doc doctoral researchers (main and minor supervisors and supervisors on secondments are all welcome) 


  • Establishment of the EDUCA Postdoctoral Collegium 

  • Establishment of the EDUCA Doctoral Researcher Collegium  

  • Establishment of the EDUCA-Doc Supervisors Collegium 

  • Creation of a good cooperative atmosphere and an EDUCA identity for early career researchers and their supervisors 

  • Photography 



Athena, room 107 (Siltavuorenpenger 3, Helsinki)

8.30 Coffee 


9:00 Opening remarks and the chair of the day: Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä, EDUCA and EDUCA-Doc PI 


Professor Johanna Mäkelä, Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Dean (remotely) 


Inspirational talk: Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso, University of Turku, EDUCA coPI 


9.15 EDUCA identity, objectives and activities for early career researchers  

Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, University of Jyväskylä, EDUCA and EDUCA-Doc PI 


9.30 Keynote: PhD studies, PostDoc time and academic career aspiration 

Professor Barbara Schneider, Michigan State University, USA  

Chair: Professor Jari Lavonen, University of Helsinki  

Athena, rooms 107, 302 and 354

10.30 Parallel meetings: Getting to know each other and future planning 

A) EDUCA Postdoctoral Collegium – room 354 

Chairs: Sanni Pöysä (JYU), Elisa Vilhunen (HY), Jaanet Salminen (UTU) and Maria Sauval (Aalto) 


B) EDUCA Doctoral Researcher Collegium – room 107 (Athena Hall) 

Chairs: EDUCA-Doc coordinator Dr. Milla Saajanaho and Dr. Saswati Chaudhuri (JYU) 


C) Supervisors Collegium – room 302 

Chairs: Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen (JYU), Professor Jari Lavonen (UH), Professor Matti Sarvimäki (Aalto), Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso (UTU) and Niina Junttila (UTU) 


Photo session for (1) Postdoctoral researchers, (2) EDUCA and EDUCA-Doc doctoral researchers and (3) Supervisors during the meetings 

11.30 Lunch (own expense), for example at UniCafe Olivia (Siltavuorenpenger 5A 1. floor), Espresso Edge, Liisankatu 29 , Hav a Java, Unioninkatu 43 , Papu Cafe, Mariankatu 24, The Viet Balo, Liisankatu 9 , Zen sushi, Snellmaninkatu 16  

12.30 Research Topics “Speech Dating “ 

Athena: 107, 302 and 354 

Cross-pollination of scientific fields, research areas and interests in small groups with supervisors: “Elevator Pitch” of post docs’ and doctoral researchers’ own research plans and interests. 

13.30 Coffee  

Athena Hall 107 

14.00 What can we do together? 

Cross-pollination continues in small groups. 

15.15 Future plans for each Collegium 

Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, Dr. Sanni Pöysä, Dr. Milla Saajanaho  

15.30 The program ends 


For practical arrangements concerning the Helsinki event, please contact Janica Vinni-Laakso, janica.vinni-laakso@helsinki.fi or Anna Roikonen anna.l.roikonen@jyu.fi