Overarching theme – Multi-level and multi-sited educational policy making

Diverse learning environments and variation in learning outcomes also challenge education policy-making. The overarching theme of Multi-level and multi-sited educational policy making examines the ways in which education policy is enacted at different levels of the education system and the society at large. The social, geographical, economic and demographic variability of different educational contexts calls for a multi-disciplinary and multi-method research approach that takes into account the iterative nature of educational policy making.

The overarching thematic area is led by Research professor Taina Saarinen (JYU), Associate professor Mira Kalalahti (JYU) and professor Janne Varjo (UH). You will find all the researchers here.

Currently ongoing

  • Literature review on basic education learning outcomes and possible policy measures related to them in the Nordic countries (Ministry of Education and Culture) 2024
