Assessing the impacts of educational policy reforms and interventions
This research area focuses on rigorously evaluating the short- and long-term impacts of major educational policy reforms and interventions.
Our work includes conducting randomized field experiments in close collaboration with policymakers and other stakeholders. For example, we are partnering with the Ministry of Education on the two-year preschool experiment and working with the NGO Walter ry to evaluate their anti-discrimination KYTKE workshops.
We also employ quasi-experimental research designs to assess reforms such as the extension of the school-leaving age and the introduction and expansion of targeted funding.
An additional outcome of these evaluations is the creation of new datasets, which will support other research areas and can be made accessible to the broader educational research community for secondary use.
Additionally, we promote iterative decision-making, ensuring that new policies and interventions are implemented and reliably evaluated, guiding the development of further testable and effective educational strategies.
The research area is led by Associate Professor Matti Sarvimäki, Professor Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen and Academy Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro. You will find all the researchers here.